Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gift Wrap Inspiration - Monogram Gift Tags

Love this idea, it's easy peasy, you can do with it without the aid of fancy shmancy Silhouette cut out gadgets and it even suggests using old Xmas cards for this, great idea Martha but surely you're missing a trick, I mean isn't this allowing us to make one of your projects without paying $50 out in licensed Martha Stewart branded goods?! Call me cynical :)

I love the idea of the Duggar (sp?) family, y'know the crazy family with the bazillion kids in 19 kids and counting? well I have this funny image in my head of the kids in that family all secretly using this tutorial, then on Christmas Day when they all sat down to give out gifts it would be bedlam as they realised that the entire family have the same first initial (J). I have a silly sense of humour if you weren't aware yet.
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