DIY Mini Mummies via Classic Play.com
From the end of Summer onwards I am full on into Christmas crafting so excuse the lack of Halloween craftiness, it's like a game of seasonal monopoly, I passed Summer and went directly to Winter, do not pass Autumn (Go) do not collect $200.
This year is no different, I'm knee deep in Christmas projects, hand quilting and tree decorations, and loving it, so here are some of my favourite Halloween projects from across the web. Projects I would totally make myself... if only I could get the smell of Gingerbread houses and sound of Jingle bells out of my head.
I absolutely love these posable mummies by classic-play.com, I made some last year for the little fella to take to school in his lunch box, they are so quick and easy to make, even for a last minute Halloween Mama like my good self!

Halloween Luminaries - via Making Lemonade
I've seen these made with Brown paper bags at Something Monumental and either cut outs or simply black pen, quick and easy project.
Looking for something creepy and Halloween inspired to wear to the office without overdoing it on the costumery? look no further than this very blog for my recycled Teeny Tiny Spell book pendants.

Teeny Tiny Spell book Tutorial
Have fun with your Halloween crafting this year and brace yourself for a torrent of early Christmas projects from yours truly.
Teeny Tiny Spell book Tutorial
Have fun with your Halloween crafting this year and brace yourself for a torrent of early Christmas projects from yours truly.