Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sweater Refashion - Part 1 Felted Sweater Cosy throw Tutorial


Canadian Winter is in full effect, snow pants, mittens, scarves, the works, and whilst I'm in love with the snow, I am definitely getting my hibernation on.

Not for me the Skiing and Skating, I'm more of an Apres ski stay in the chalet quaffing Hot Chocolate flavoured melty Marshmallow juice kinda gal. What I love most about Winter is the time to seriously get my craft on, this is the project currently warming my cockles ;)

Made from 100% repurposed material, felted sweaters and Virgin wool backing, this was an easy peasy way to recycle all those 'whoops I washed this on hot' too small wool clothing you've had lying around.

In fact I've been feeling pretty guilty myself about neglecting my blog, I've been seriously slacking on the ole Tutorial front, so here is the start of a step by step multi part, easy to understand tutorial on how to make your own recycled sweater blanket/quilt. Everything from selecting your sweaters, felting, cutting, sewing, and finishing.

What you need to know before you start

I know that sewing stretchy fabrics freaks some of you lovely peeps out, so here are a few tips and dispelled myths to put you at ease.

1. You CAN sew stretchy fabrics without a serger/overlocker. That's right, no fancy machine required. (In fact Dilly that ancient sewing machine you bought for a tenner just to make curtains? yep that'll work)

2. You CAN sew using a straight stitch, doesn't need to be a zigzag (for this project at least).

So what do you need to start collecting?

Sweaters must be at least 75% Wool, Angora, Cashmere, Virgin Wool all good. What won't work, Acrylic sweaters, Polyester, Cotton, anything with less than 75% Wool.

The bigger the size to begin with the better, felting the sweaters will shrink them into a cuttable, non fray fabric , the more you start with, the more usuable fabric you end up with.

Sweaters aren't the only thing to look for, Knit skirts are a great way to get lots of usable fabric as are Cardigans, even wool scarves, no seams to cut around just straight up fabric.

Stay tuned for next post on how to felt your sweaters.

Pt 2 - Buying and Felting your Sweaters
Pt 3 - Piecing together your Blanket
Pt 4 - Finishing up your Blanket

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