Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Security Envelope Covered Notebooks

I cannot get enough of the teeny Composition Books, and since I've
been hoarding security envelopes for the longest time (over a year) it was time to get crackerlacking and actually use them for something. Just in time, the hubster was on the blower (phone) to Clutterers Anonymous signing me up for a 12 step program ;)

 I had all these grand plans, but sometimes simple is the best option, the patterns on the inside of the envelopes were so pretty (at least to me anyway) that just a glue down and trim up was all I needed to do with those cheeky little pads.

Thinking of making your own?
  • Open mail with a letter opener/knife at home and work.
  • Ask family/friends/work colleagues to save them for you.
  • Keep an eye out for unused return envelopes from Banks and Large Brochure size Envelopes.
  • Spacing is crucial when using small envelopes. I used the bottom fold and lined it up with the spine of the book, so the Front and Back of the evelope are used and not the unpatterned flap.
  • Some patterns aren't dark enough to cover the composition book cover from showing through so have a play around before sticking.

Wouldn't these make a cool gift for hard to craft for guys for Christmas? (I know, I know enough with the unseasonal hints) I'm thinking of grouping them in Greys and Blacks, Blues, and Greens. Look out for Reds too and more unusual Geometric patterns.

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