Thursday, August 9, 2012

Scandinavian Style Red Xmas Sampler

My fave place for Crafty finds in Edmonton is my beloved Reuse Centre, on a trip a year ago I picked up this picture, it had no date, no info on who designed the pattern, all I could tell is that it's the front of a Xmas card, and reading the back told me that the lady writing the card has (come close, closer, closer still,  let me whisper in your ear,  ahem, bladder problems) so clearly no clues there.

I've been digging Xmas projects recently and the picture was the exact same size as 14 ct Aida so it was easy enough to copy each stitch, I changed a few up because, well to be frank the Reindeer looked like he was projectile pooping, one small stitch across soon solved that problem.

Still I have no idea who to thank for this amazing pattern, and I would dearly love to make this available on my blog for your use as well.

 Original Front and back.

The whole shebang, excuse the wonky photo, the stitching is fine I promise.

Any copyright/needlepoint Geniuses (Geniui?) that can shed some light on where this pattern hails from? and if I can the pattern on my blog beyond a close up photo of my work?

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