Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gift Toppers/Tree Decorations

So my sewing machine has taken a much needed breather and is on strike until I find her some decent Oil, I tried to temp ther with WD40 but Bessie only likes the good stuff ;) So that's a Serger down and now the sewing machine, thankfully I have a fully operational glue gun and plenty of bits and bobs to play with so may I present this mornings fun project.
Gift Toppers or Tree Decorations made from pipe cleaners, I'd made Holly last year for a good friends pressies but this year after running out of Green I 'branched out' (te he he) to include a few other fun motifs. My fave by far are the Rudolphs.

I'm sure you can work out how to make these but if anyone's particularly interested in a tute, hubby is off for 4 days from tomorrow so I could always wow you with another super professional video tutorial.
A quick easy project, especially to make with kids, and the whole bag of pipe cleaners cost a buck so you can make quite a few for your money. Only the Holly took 3 pipe cleaners, the stockings were made from two halves, gifts from 1 and a 1/4. The Rudolphs nose is just red felt glued on. For attaching to a Christmas Tree I would just loop a ribbon through them but for attaching to a gift I would use some double sided tape, then you can always whip them off and save them til next year. Wouldn't they make great name cards just attached to a folded piece of card with the recipients name on?

Next to a quarter for comparison.

The whole gang (almost) together for a size comparison.
Still working on the next sleeve variation so stay tuned, and I enjoyed playing around with these so much that I'll be coming up with a few more Christmasey/Holiday themed projects in the lead up to Christmas.

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