Project and photo courtesy of JustJen
I've been spreading myself thin recently, working on the next part of the Felty Sweater Tutorial and sending out some homemade crafty love to friends overseas. The weather here in Edmonton has been crazy up and down with extreme weather warnings, and did you guys know that I still don't drive? yup I schlepp my poor young children about everywhere, on the bus, in -25, snow up to my armpits, so erm yeah I've been busy!
One of the crazy, cute crafts I've been wrapping and sending off was this little sucker, a Knitted Zombie, which got me thinking about those hard to craft for people. Not sure if they appreciate handmade gifts? but you still want to make them something that no one else will have?
Anyone that's anyone knows about, if not avidly watches Walking Dead. Even way back in time, buss pass, wind up computer, no laptop me has even heard of it, nay watched a few episodes, so this Knitted Zombie pattern from JustJen Knits and Stitches will come in handy. Have a good look around this ladies blog, so many cute and fun ideas and lots of great patterns.
I can't show my Zombie because it hasn't been opened yet, but I can confirm that my offering comes complete with a half hanging out bloodshot eye, I even fancied the idea of whipping out my French knitting spool and whizzing up some bloody intenstinal gubbins to have hanging out, but alas my beginner knitting skills could not work out how to add a hole to accomodate said gubbins. Perhaps for the best non?
New to knitting but not sure you can manage this pattern? It's written very simply and is little more than 3 rectangles with minimal shaping, you can totally do it, I only really just started knitting recently and this was a breeze for me.
What crafty projects are you working on for the holidays? I may or may not be stealing ideas :)